3.3 Opening a Folder


Open any folder which contains objects for viewing as a book.


To open a folder for viewing as a book:

  1. Click Folder in the menu bar.

  2. Click Open Folder. The Browse For Folder dialog box will be displayed.

  3. Navigate to the folder where you saved your objects and click OK.

  4. The Select Template dialog box will be displayed.

  5. Select the desired options and click OK to create your album.

Note: You may also click on the Folder icon instead of using the menu bar.


Template Options


Page Layout:

  1. You can select a pre-defined page layout (eg 1 x 2 images or 2 x 2 images) by clicking the layout image or the radio button.

  2. To customize your own page layout, select the Custom radio button, then changing the Column and Row options.

  3. To have all the images displayed on centerfold pages, click the Open as Centerfold check box.

Image Alignment:

  1. You can select the image to be aligned to the Left, Center or Top.

  2. Select Random if you want the program to align it randomly on the page.

Image Effect:

  1. You can add Shadow or 3D effects to your images. Simply click the Add Shadow and/or Add 3D Effect check boxes as desired.

Album Content:

  1. By default, the Overview, Contents and Index pages will be added into the album. Click the desired check boxes to leave any of the pages out.


  1. You can automatically annotate the images with the filename or a blank text by clicking the Add Text Below Image check box and the desired Filename or Blank Text radio button.

  2. To change the font, style, size, effects and color, click the Font button.

Note: If you open a folder that has been opened before, the Select Template dialog box will not appear. Instead, the program will use the settings previously used for this folder. To re-create the album with a new template, click Folder on the menu bar and select Re-import Folder. All previous folder settings will be reset.